Plastic Production is a Dirty Business

Plastic production has exploded over the last 20 years. More plastics means more pollution in our ocean, climate and coastal communities.

Not only are plastics ravaging ocean ecosystems, but they’re also driving dangerous climate change. Over the next seven years, plastic production will contribute 1.3 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere—the equivalent of 300 coal-fired power plants. And the industrial facilities that make plastics are primarily located in low-income, coastal communities and communities of color who have to deal with the severe and disproportionate health consequences of toxic air and water pollution in addition to climate change impacts like sea level rise, extreme weather and flooding.

Recently, legislation was introduced to tackle this plastic pollution and climate crises head-on: The Protecting Communities from Plastics Act. This bill will reduce single-use plastics, help us transition away from fossil fuels and protect low-income communities and communities of color who are the most vulnerable to this crisis by imposing stricter rules on harmful plastic-production facilities

Act now: Tell Congress to support the Protecting Communities from Plastics Act. Protect our ocean and our communities from plastics and the many ways they pollute our planet.

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