Redesign a Future Without Plastic Pollution

Join Ocean Conservancy and a sea of ocean advocates in urging lawmakers to hold plastic producers accountable to make less wasteful products and protect our beaches, ocean, waterways and planet from plastic pollution.

Incredibly, 80% of global litter items are made of single-use plastics, primarily food and beverage items. Food wrappers, bottle caps, cups, plates, lids and other foodware, are all among the top 10 items most commonly collected by Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup® volunteers around the world.

Combatting the plastic pollution crisis won’t be quick or easy with a one-size-fits-all fix, but there is hope for a systematic change: it starts by redesigning how we make and use single-use plastics. Action taken by the United States to reduce and redesign the single-use plastics we use would have a massive positive effect on our ocean and our planet.

Urge your lawmakers to hold plastic producers accountable now.

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