Steer The Shipping Industry in The Right Direction

Did you know that if ocean shipping were a country, it would be the sixth largest producer of climate pollution globally? That’s right: The shipping industry belches out almost 1 billion tons of climate pollution each year.  

Ninety percent of the world’s goods travel via ship, but many vessels rely on some of the dirtiest fuels to power their voyages, and the noxious emissions they release cause an estimated 250,000 premature deaths and 6 million childhood asthma cases annually.    

As pollution from shipping continues to worsen, it’s time to steer this industry in the right direction! Tell your member of Congress to hold the shipping industry accountable for its pollution by passing the International Maritime Pollution Accountability Act.   

We need to act fast. The climate crisis isn’t slowing down, and we need bold action to protect our ocean from today’s greatest threats.   

Tell Congress to pass the International Maritime Pollution Accountability Act now. 

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