Hold Oil Producers Accountable

Tragically, there’s been yet another oil disaster in our ocean. This time, an oil spill from an “inactive” and deteriorating offshore drilling platform was discovered off the coast of Texas, just miles from popular beaches and fishing spots.

We must hold oil companies accountable by supporting decommissioning efforts like the Plug Offshore Wells Act.

In federal waters alone, the offshore oil industry has already littered our ocean floor with more than 18,000 miles of disused pipeline. To make matters worse, there is already a significant decommissioning backlog. As of last June, more than 75% of idle or end-of-lease structures in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico were overdue for decommissioning. Unplugged wells can leak oil and powerful greenhouse gases, such as methane, into our ocean and air.

We can avoid future oil disasters by supporting legislation like the Plug Offshore Wells Act. Take action now and urge Congress to pass this bill.

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