Don’t Let Congress Bulldoze Critical Ocean and Environmental Protections

Right now, members of Congress are looking to include dangerous anti-environment provisions in the fiscal year 2025 federal budget. These decision-makers—officials whom we elected to represent us—are prioritizing power over people and our planet.

But together, we can stop them. Join Ocean Conservancy and tell Congress to keep funding levels strong for agencies that protect and manage our ocean and coasts and keep poison-pill riders OUT of appropriation funding packages.

The proposed amendments would gut the agencies charged with protecting our environment and our health and would introduce an onslaught of radical anti-environmental policies that have NO place in the appropriations process. Simply put, if this bill were to pass, it would cause serious and irreversible damage to our planet and exacerbate environmental injustices across the country.

Take less than two minutes and add your name to urge Congress to reject these attacks on our ocean and planet and push for funding at the highest level.

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