Plastic Foam is a Disaster for Our Ocean

There’s one kind of trash that always seems to show up wherever we go: plastic foam. Volunteers with Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup®, the world’s largest effort to remove plastics and other trash from ocean and inland waterways, have collected nearly 9 million plastic foam cups, plates and takeout containers since 1986. Once you start looking for plastic foam, chances are you’ll find it everywhere. This material clogs recycling systems, harms wildlife and ultimately spells disaster for our ocean.

The Farewell to Foam Act would, beginning in 2026, restrict food service providers, manufacturers and retailers from selling plastic foam foodware, packing peanuts and single-use foam coolers. Let’s come together and call on Congress to pass this crucial legislation before time runs out.

Join us and urge your lawmakers to fight against plastic foam and be a part of the movement to get this foam off our beaches for good.

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